Sunday, June 19, 2011

Create Balance in your Life

Mind. Body. Spirit.

This trinity is what makes up each and every one of us and in order to have total well being, each of these areas must be developed in complete harmony with one another.  A lot of people spends hours reading self-help books in search of healing.  Others may take a more physical route, eating only proper foods and engaging in rigorous exercise.  And I think each of us, when all else fails, have turned to our spiritual source and asked for divine intervention a time or two.  During the recent months I have given this idea of perfect balance a lot of thought.  I have been forced to move twice and experienced two job changes in the last year, providing  many challenges.  Within in each of these storms and turbulent times, I have sought after only one thing -- Peace.

During my quest for reaching perfect balance, I have developed a method that works for me.  I evaluate the areas of my life and which areas are strong and by default which areas have the most room for improvement.  I can determine what are the next steps to take to reaching my highest life purpose and do the highest amount of good in this lifetime.  After an introspective look at my life, I determined that st this point in time my spiritual and mental aspects of my life are the strongest.  So, I decided to make an effort to strengthen my body. 

I have refrained from eating meats for the past few months, which after several times fasting from meat,  I determined is the best approach.  My body prefers a diet consisting only of fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and a small amount of fish.  If you listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it needs.  It talks in a whisper about what it needs and yells what it wants, so you have to listen closely.  Also in an effort to strengthen my body, I restarted a yoga practice.  Yoga also speaks to my spirit as the right thing to do.  On the mornings that I begin my day with a 20 min sun salutation series, are days that I feel my best.  I really enjoy walking in nature, and that is something that I plan to incorporate back into my routine, at least once a week.

As my body gets stronger, there will come a point when it will match or exceed the other areas and then it will benefit me to focus my attention on another aspect of my well being. And this will continue many times during my evolution as I elevate to higher levels of existence. The process can repeat itself an infinite amount of times until perfect balance is met.  And just when balance is achieved, you may face a challenge or stressor that will start the process all over again.  That is the ebb and flow of life.  But despite any challenge we experience or face, the purpose of this journey is to create the balance and peace and joy that we seek in our lives.

So I ask you: Which aspect(s) of your life do you feel are the strongest??  How can you improve the other areas??

Here are my suggestions of activities that enhance each part of your trinity, just to name a few:

MIND: Reading, Writing, Attending Workshops/Seminars, Painting, Study a New Language, Sodoku and other Puzzles, Conversation with Like Minded People, Daily Affirmations, Journaling, Visualization, Guided Meditation, Hypnosis/ Counseling from Psychotherapist

BODY: Walking/Jogging, Dancing, Yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong, Eating High Vibrational Foods, Massage, Weight/Strength Training, Salt Baths, Saunas, Relaxation - Breathing Techniques, Aromatherapy, Fasting, Body Detox/ Cleanse

SPIRIT: Prayer, Meditation, Attending Worship Service/ Church, Reading Spiritual Texts, Charitable Work, Volunteering in your community, Counseling from Spiritual Coach or Leader, Play or Listen to High Vibrational Music

Honestly, all of these activities overlap into the other areas and are all interconnected.  That is the beauty of this trinity, you cannot affect one area with shifting another. So pick one thing and start today.  If you feel like you are already in balance, choose one from each areas and elevate to your next level.  We can always improve ourselves to doing the most good and reaching our highest life purpose.  And by doing so we will not only live a life filled with peace, we will begin to thrive.