Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good Grief?

Hello All,

I want to spend a moment reflecting on the process of grief.  I think that this subject is taboo for most, or maybe just uncomfortable to say the least.  Why do we struggle so hard with the subject of death and dying? I would like to propose just a few reflections on the subject. I have to say, that I am not a counselor or expert on the subject. But I have my own experiences with this process and these insights come from my heart:

1. FEAR. 
Whether we realize it or not, most of us are driven by fear in one way or another.  Afraid to lose a job under the threats of a demanding boss.  Afraid to lose a relationship when arguments increase and acts of love decrease. Afraid of getting older, possibly falling ill. And most of all, afraid of death.   Fear can become a major orchestrator of our lives, like a puppet master tugging on our strings making us dance around all of these situations.  And I can assure you that any decisions we make based on fear usually result in more disastrous occurrences.  I know that you are thinking right now, I am not Afraid of anything.  Fear does not have any place in my life.  That is not me...

But, Fear can disguise itself as many other emotions: Jealousy, Resentment, Anger, Worry, Doubt, Low Esteem, and sometimes even Grief.

I am not saying that all Grief is Fear but you have to ask yourself:

If the person that has passed on was terminally ill, and suffering a painful life, and received a graceful death. Shouldn't we find relief that they are no longer in a state of agony or struggle?

If the person lived a full life accomplishing many of their life's goals all while watching two or three (maybe even four) generations be born, develop, and grow. Shouldn't we value that life and those accomplishments a lot more than show concern about their death?

If a person is taken away, just too soon or unexpectedly, it is tough. But if you believe in divine presence and that each person has a soul (or true essence) that never dies it is understandable that some times we cannot know what agreements were made for that person's life or what lessons there were to learn or the message they were sent to bring. And the universe does not operate in time so although their time for us was too short, perhaps they did exactly what they were suppose to do. (Like the tv show, Quantum Leap, maybe they move on to their next mission.)

 Which brings me to my second point...

Faith is the opposite of Fear.  You cannot be in a state of fear or any of its aliases and have Faith.

Faith lets you know that as long as you are doing your best work, you will not be fired.  And if you are fired, you are capable of finding another job (usually a better one). Or it may be time for you to take your skills and knowledge and start your own business where you become your own boss.

Faith also lets you know that the person you have chosen to love, really loves you too. And it is your choice to display and expand that love or withdraw your contract and move on.  But in moving on, if you experience the same fear in a new relationship, it too, will also fade away because it has no faith to restore and re-ignite when the flames as they die down.  Faith fans the flames.

Faith also supports us as we get older, come up against any illnesses or physical weaknesses, and most importantly when we die.  Which will happen to each one of us, one day.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

But here is some good news:  

Knowing all of this, do we choose to live our lives in Fear or by Faith?  Do we start making decisions for ourselves, or continue to be a puppet in other people's play? Do we choose only love in our life experiences, and only choose relationships with others that resonate at the same high frequency of supreme love?  By choosing love, we live on a vibration of vitality, good health, and longevity and lead a long life filled with many pleasurable moments. This is what is meant by free will.  We have the right to choose the kind of life we will have.  If we can release the Fear it is in that moment that we truly start living. We can choose to only grieve the death of our loved ones that have moved on or cherish the life they had and the true essence that remains for ever connected to us. 

But I will say it is fine to miss them. It is fine to cry. Sadness is a cleansing emotion when expressed properly.  It is even fine to want them back.  But know that they have moved on but we have not.  We still have work to do and a life to live.  So please...take as long as you need to grieve. You may never truly stop grieving the loss of someone closely connected to you. But the beauty is you do not have to.  They are still right there, if you allow them to be.


I have attached a poem that I have written in celebration of Mattie L. Ridley, Catherine Loveday, and Lydia Barashango. You have taught me the meaning of the word --- Beauty.


As I look for inspiration...
Let me find Beauty.
Smiling faces even in the darkest places
And stories of triumph after weathering the toughest storm.
Tales of endurance, hearts of gold, and joyful spirits, performing daily miracles.

As I search for words...
Let me choose Beauty.
Each single word a perfectly polished pearl along a string that rest,
nested upon necklines.
The finest hand-crafted thoughts
Behold! The power contained there in.
The most prized possession for a creative mind giving a gift back to an infinite sea of space and of time.

As I take this pen in my hand...
Let me write Beauty.
And let the words reach beneath the tear-stained glass of my reader's eyes.
To find the precious space where only joy resides
Deep Inside – where the truth lies and at times the soul likes to hide.

As I grab this book to read...
Let me speak Beauty
And let the sound of my voice soothe and move beyond barricades of brick walls built up around my listener's ear
To find the open space where unlimited potential dwells, immune to all fear
A never ending well of questions packaged with answers you can audibly hear
A place where the mind remembers each lesson learned along the way and offers many stories to tell, so clear.

As I think of the many women that have come before me...
I know Beauty
So strong. So brave.
Full of Light. Filled with Love
Spiritual Warriors fighting relentlessly for grace and mercy
until their journey reached and soul's work complete.
Your presences are not to be missed
For each true essence will forever exist.
Bonded by truth, yet free by faith.
I hope to take my place among you, some day
Becoming one with Beauty
written by Tiffany Johnson August 12, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Money Mantra$


The word "Mantra" has been derived from Sanskrit. Mantra contains two words - "man" which means "to think" (also in manas "mind") and suffix "tra" which means "tool", hence a literal translation would be "instrument of thought".      

Hello All:

We spoke about affirmations and how they can help you shift energetically which is the first step to achieving very physical changes in your life.  Mantras are a great tool to use to shift your outer experience by first shifting your inner consciousness. By repeating an idea, word, or phrase you place it deeply into all levels of your consciousness.  And by raising your awareness, you also raise your vibration and align it with the thing that you after after-- in this case, Money.  These mantras are specifically written to attract more money, wealth, and prosperity to your experience. Choose the one that resonates the most with you and witness the power of the mantra. Namaste.'

The more light, love, and prosperity I give..the more I receive.
I am attracted to wealth and all of its comforts.

I am a money magnet, it seeks me out and always finds me.

I am supplied with all of my needs and wants, as well as my true desires.

The universe fully supports me in every way.

I am greatly compensated for the good work that I do and my work is a physical manifestation of my love.

All aspects of my life are in perfect order right now, especially my finances.

In the physical world, I am rich with money and good health. In the spiritual world, I am rich with understanding and peace. In the emotional world which joins the spiritual and physical worlds together, I am rich with only joy and love.

My mind, my body, and my spirit remain in perfect harmony and my life beautifully displays this balance.

I love my life. I love my life. I love my life...I experience only joy, love, peace, and prosperity.

After you choose one, I recommend that you write it down on a note card and place it where you can see it often. (I tape the card to the bathroom mirror)  Spend 5 - 10 min each day with your mantra in quiet meditation. I use the same mantra for an entire month and it does take long before I have committed it to memory.  This is a power-filled spiritual practice. Understand to produce great things, the recipe is 80% thought, 20% action. Trust me this works. We often use this same process negatively without even knowing it.  It is time to take control of your life experience and create the life you always intended to have.

Abundant Light & Love,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Create Balance in your Life

Mind. Body. Spirit.

This trinity is what makes up each and every one of us and in order to have total well being, each of these areas must be developed in complete harmony with one another.  A lot of people spends hours reading self-help books in search of healing.  Others may take a more physical route, eating only proper foods and engaging in rigorous exercise.  And I think each of us, when all else fails, have turned to our spiritual source and asked for divine intervention a time or two.  During the recent months I have given this idea of perfect balance a lot of thought.  I have been forced to move twice and experienced two job changes in the last year, providing  many challenges.  Within in each of these storms and turbulent times, I have sought after only one thing -- Peace.

During my quest for reaching perfect balance, I have developed a method that works for me.  I evaluate the areas of my life and which areas are strong and by default which areas have the most room for improvement.  I can determine what are the next steps to take to reaching my highest life purpose and do the highest amount of good in this lifetime.  After an introspective look at my life, I determined that st this point in time my spiritual and mental aspects of my life are the strongest.  So, I decided to make an effort to strengthen my body. 

I have refrained from eating meats for the past few months, which after several times fasting from meat,  I determined is the best approach.  My body prefers a diet consisting only of fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, and a small amount of fish.  If you listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what it needs.  It talks in a whisper about what it needs and yells what it wants, so you have to listen closely.  Also in an effort to strengthen my body, I restarted a yoga practice.  Yoga also speaks to my spirit as the right thing to do.  On the mornings that I begin my day with a 20 min sun salutation series, are days that I feel my best.  I really enjoy walking in nature, and that is something that I plan to incorporate back into my routine, at least once a week.

As my body gets stronger, there will come a point when it will match or exceed the other areas and then it will benefit me to focus my attention on another aspect of my well being. And this will continue many times during my evolution as I elevate to higher levels of existence. The process can repeat itself an infinite amount of times until perfect balance is met.  And just when balance is achieved, you may face a challenge or stressor that will start the process all over again.  That is the ebb and flow of life.  But despite any challenge we experience or face, the purpose of this journey is to create the balance and peace and joy that we seek in our lives.

So I ask you: Which aspect(s) of your life do you feel are the strongest??  How can you improve the other areas??

Here are my suggestions of activities that enhance each part of your trinity, just to name a few:

MIND: Reading, Writing, Attending Workshops/Seminars, Painting, Study a New Language, Sodoku and other Puzzles, Conversation with Like Minded People, Daily Affirmations, Journaling, Visualization, Guided Meditation, Hypnosis/ Counseling from Psychotherapist

BODY: Walking/Jogging, Dancing, Yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong, Eating High Vibrational Foods, Massage, Weight/Strength Training, Salt Baths, Saunas, Relaxation - Breathing Techniques, Aromatherapy, Fasting, Body Detox/ Cleanse

SPIRIT: Prayer, Meditation, Attending Worship Service/ Church, Reading Spiritual Texts, Charitable Work, Volunteering in your community, Counseling from Spiritual Coach or Leader, Play or Listen to High Vibrational Music

Honestly, all of these activities overlap into the other areas and are all interconnected.  That is the beauty of this trinity, you cannot affect one area with shifting another. So pick one thing and start today.  If you feel like you are already in balance, choose one from each areas and elevate to your next level.  We can always improve ourselves to doing the most good and reaching our highest life purpose.  And by doing so we will not only live a life filled with peace, we will begin to thrive.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 20: A NEW DAWN

Good Morning!

Last night the full moon was bright and it was the closest to the earth in nearly 18 years - 'Perigee Moon'.  Spring equinox is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation and the fullness of the moon represent abundance, fertility, and prosperity.  I was enjoying food, wine, and fellowship with great friends and we went outside to bask in the moonlight.  At the suggestion of  Osaremi Lanloke, we read an affirmation and held our purses (and wallets) to the sky.  The guys did not want to miss out on the blessings that would flow. LOL
I do not think that it is any coincidence that I start my new position at Massage Heights tomorrow and I will be moving into a new place of residence before the end of the month. Spring is here and all seeds that were planted, even in frozen winter soil are about to sprout and even produce ripe fruits. I am Excited. Enthusiastic. Energized. And Eager to taste these fruits. You are welcome to read this affirmation and evoke all that it describes into your life.
The Affirmation:

We come to you humble this evening and in prayer for the upliftment of our communities and for our families, children and for our own spiritual preservation. We ask for guidance to help direct our minds, and spirit in reconnecting with our truest selves, to know and to believe that our bodies are sacred vessels, that our wombs are the... homes of the souls returning ,that we are not without fault but we must begin to forgive ourselves and others for any transgressions known and unknown. We pray for healing of our bodies, our spirits, and our minds. We pray for the upliftment of the children, that they will be protected, nurtured and loved.

Please fill us up with joy, good health, hope, happiness, peace of mind, good character, gentle character, self love, self determination, moral courage, self-worth,& unity please fill up ours purses with prosperity, wealth, and abundance. Then say: (fill them up, fill them up, fill them up)
Thank you,
Osaremi Lanloke

So I encourage you to embrace this day:

"It's a new dawn...It's a new day...It's a new life...For me...And I'm feeling good"
~Nina Simone


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 16: Where's TJ?

Hello Friends

Today I sat down to write this blog not sure what to say. The fact of the matter is this:  Last Friday (Day 11),  I was evicted from my residence.  No notice. No warning.  Just all of my belongings on the lawn and my dogs in the pound. So let me first start by apologizing for not blogging since the Day 9.  I have been busy handling this challenging situation.  You are probably wondering, is she serious?  I am have no reason to lie. In fact, if you practice telling the truth always it gets easier to do. FYI

But when I started making miracle March I knew what I was really asking for.  I was asking for a shift...a change...a transition...even a reposition... and a breakthrough.  AND...I got just that.

Now I will probably lose a lot of people when I say this but:

I received exactly what I needed to do the things required for my miracles to manifest. 

It looks bad and trust me it feels bad, but this is what I call limbo and I have been here before. You see, there are a lot of decisions that have to be made before I can elevate to the next level. I asked GOD/Source to place me on track for my highest life purpose.  To use this life for the GREATER GOOD, to position me among the people, places and things, necessary to complete his works. And so... here we are. Now please understand when you elevate, some people may not choose to elevate with you.  That is a hard lesson to learn.  But each person gets to make their own choice. But that is a whole other post.

And now I must be mindful of each step and decison that I take because this will shape my immediate future.  So I am continuing my fast: restraining from eating meats/processed foods, avoiding tv/radio, limiting my internet use to only a contructive nature. Basically, I am avoiding things that will surely slow me down because I need all of my energy to go into starting a new job, getting a new place to live, completing my first book of poetry, and the list goes on.

I am so close to actualizing my dreams that it seems the invisible rubber band tied around my waist that was holding me back has snapped. The glass ceiling that I keep hitting my head against has shattered.  The brick wall that use to stand before me that block my entire view it was so high, has been taken down brick by brick and there is a pile of rubble beside me.  There is NO THING holding me back and it is time for me to take off running. And we are going down hill from here.

I hope that you are enjoying this blog...sharing my real life present day situations with you.  I share these things only with the intent to enlighten you.  And please understand that my relocation is a mere inconvenience.  I am fine.  The earthquake in Japan is a real tragedy and the 1000+ lives that were lost is what we should focus our attention and prayer.  The people of Haiti that are still trying to rebuild their entire country.  And the people of New Orleans, who never made it back home after Katrina.  These are the people I pray for every night.  My reposition is on the smallest scale in comparison.

But please understand and take note... this is what THE BREAKTHROUGH looks like, so I want you to recognize it in your own life.  I also want to mention that I prefer the breakthrough to the breakdown. We all know what that looks. Sometimes things that seems unfair, unjust, unreal, unexplainable are just that!
But on the other side of this situation awaits the most beautiful, wonderful, remarkable, extraordinary, unimaginable life.

DEF: miracle, n.
1: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2: an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment

Love & Light,

PS. Both me and my dogs are fine, staying with family until my new place is ready. Details to come.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 9: A closer look at 2011 - The Year of the Rabbit

According to the Chinese Horoscope:
We are now in The Year of the Rabbit (Feb 3, 2011 - January 22, 2012)

So what does that mean?

The Rabbit year is marked by diplomacy and negotiation.  Also, many people will notice attention shifted back into both families as well as personal developments.This can lead to many cultural gains and some artists will exceed any limits and create remarkable works. This year will be more calm, than other recent years and this calm will lend time to self, family, and artistic pursuits.

So what does this mean to me?

Well, I have already experienced the shift of my attention from work-related interests to more creative avenues.  In previous years I was known as the workaholic,  working a steady 40 + hours a week and always willing to pick up extra hours. I had a lady call me last week to pick up her trip and I have not been a flight attendant for over 6 months now.  But, she has my number down in her phone as someone that will always work. With all this newly created time, I have been writing.  My writing pursuits include this blog, books of poetry, some spoken word pieces, and even some meditations. I probably devote 40 + hours a week to my writing, editing, memorizing, and attending/performing at open mic nights all over the city.

Now, I wish the year of the Rabbit would also mean that I will be reward financially for my artistic efforts. But in order for that to happen, the rest of the world will have to value these pursuits as much as I do and support my work and the works of other artists.  I think that I am ahead of the curve, but hopefully the rest of the world will experience this shift in attention and start patronizing the arts and the people bound to this existence.  Perhaps I need to create a Foundation for the Arts and get government grants to support this cause.  We all know that they have removed many arts and music programs from our schools.  And then they wonder why our children are failing math and science courses, do they not recognize the connection between the two.

So I propose that we make this year - The Year of the Rabbit - a productive year noted by tremendous gains in the areas of Arts, Music, and Education.

Light & Love,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 5: I can breathe easily

So...I think yesterday was a test of my commitment to my mission for the month of March.  I think that I was feeling the pain of being stretched to my limits (like a rubberband). But today, I felt the shift and the tension ease a bit.  I pushed forward today and I had a very productive morning filled with appointments. This afternooon, I interviewed (2nd part) at a new establishment opening in Buckhead at the end of this month.  If selected I will be leaving from my other two part time positions, and entering one full time one.  The shift that they are looking to fill is a morning shift from 9 until 3.  Did I mention this spa is 5 minutes away from my boyfriend's job and we will be able to carpool, his schedule is from 8 to 4. With the gas prices at $3.45 per gallon and steadily climbing, this will help to ease our wallets.  Also, riding in the HOV lane will help us both arrive at work on time.  Win-Win situation. 

The miraculous thing about this job offer is that I was not even looking for it at all.  I was content with staying where I was, but a good friend encouraged me to check this place out. I decided that I would go with her to the open house just to get the information--that couldn't hurt, right? Well...I showed up and fell in love with the facility. It is absolutely beautiful.  If the staff turns out to have the same beautiful spirit as the building it will be a huge success. Right now, I have done my part and have all of the proper paperwork ready to go WHEN I am called back in. (Wink)

It has not even been a full week and so much has happened...the wheels are in motion. I can truly breath easily knowing that I am doing everyhting in my power to accomplish my goals. Now it is time to sit back an relax and enjoy this life!

Love & Light

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 4: Making Miracles Month continues....

    Day 4 was a little more difficult, I have to be honest with you all.  This is when if you are not vigilant you can regress back to your own habits, bad food choices try to sneak back in out of convenience.  If time creeps away from you it is easy to fall off.  Without the proper amount of food I can become super cranky and that is not good for keeping a positive mental attitude.
   But now I am sitting here at my favorite coffee shop and after hours spot for open mic poetry night.  Bella Earth Naturals. I am in for a special treat tonight, my sister is here to listen to me perform my spoken word poetry.  She has seen me on youtube videos and read my poems on email, but in person is so much different.  To experience the creativity flow when artists join together in one space with one goal -- to CREATE.  The power of creation, is one that we are all blessed with.  I encourage you to create something, anything, whether it is: poetry, art, home decorating, cooking, baking, sewing, knitting, writing, singing, gardening...the list goes on.  Once you become a master craftsman at creating these things, it will not be long before you begin creating the life that you want. So simple.

Love & Light,

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3: Making Miracles Month

So....Day 3 is well under way.

I have had an interesting day that started with some difficult tasks. But, I handled the hardest thing first and that really freed up my day to get many things accomplished.  I just left the Farmer's Market and I was able to restock my pantry and fridge with the necessary foods to stay on my meal plan.  On a budget I was able to buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and some healthy snack options.  I bought some unsalted cashews, some dried cherries, and popcorn kernels to eat as snacks.  Setting up your environment for success is the first step to accomplishing any goal.  I have planned out meals and snacks for the rest of the week. But with eating mostly fresh fruits and veggies, I will have to shop again next week. I was also able to drop off my recyclables.  Even though my day started with a difficult task, it will finish on a strong and positive note. 

So with this month, understand you will have difficulties and non-positive moments. But the length of time that you spend in that negative space is up to you.  If people around you are not operating at the highest vibration, you may have to take a break from them for a little while.  Let them know that you have ALOT of positive things going on for you this month and you cannot afford to get bogged down with any negativity --gossiping, complaining, whining, moping,  doubtful or fearful thinking, angry or hostile speaking.

I have already felt a major shift and a lot of things that have been weighing heavy on my soul, have been lifted already. It is only Day 3.  Imagine where we will be at the 31 Day mark.

Light and Love,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 2 of Making Miracles Month

Good Morning Miracle Makers,

Day 2 of March has begun and I am still buzzing from all of the activity that happened yesterday.
Several things occurred yesterday:

1.  I was asked to collaborate on three major projects, and each will incorporate my talent of writing.

2.  I was invited to a workshop on a subject I have been wanting to take for a while at a very reduced price.  This certification will enhance my healing art business 10,000 fold.

And the icing on the cake (metaphysical cake, that is)....

3. I have been offered a position at a new state of the art facility that had the potential to increase my income substantially. The location is AMAZING.  More info to come.

I know that it seems that I have staged this whole thing, because on Day 1 I had many miracles already take place.  But I have no reason try to lie or trick anyone.  I am sharing this whole experience with you because I know that it works.  Once you align yourself directly with your intentions and are open to receive them, miracles can happen.  I have been asking for help in these areas for a while now, but yesterday I was in a position to receive these things.  And so it is...

What do you want more than anything in the world?
What areas do you feel like you have been struggling in?  Fighting a resistance?
What would take a weight off of your shoulders? Free you?

Write these things down and set the intention. You can have everything you want and or need and it does not have to take forever to come to you.  Once it is written down. Understand that it has been sent out into the ether and all sorts of people, places, and things will be orchestrated and arranged to meet your needs. You are just that powerful.  But you have to vibrate at the highest frequency in order for these things to come to you. That is the Law of Attraction at work.

Time for me to get moving, I have more miracles to witness today. You do too! Let's move!

Love and Light,

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Making Miracles: MARCHing Onward and Upward

Greetings Readers:

I am pleased to announce that March is Making Miracles Happen Daily Month. I have decided to make some tremendous strides this month and I encourage you to take on this challenge along with me.  I am in the midst of completing many projects and in order to push through to the next level (completion), I have to redirect all of my energy and time to these tasks.  In order to reach my goals, I have decided to omit eating meats and process foods, watching television, and any other "low energy" activities. If you do not know where to get started, re-read my post: Rewrite Your Life.

So today set some specific goals, determine what things are taking up too much space in your life and can be omitted for the month of March. Make this journey your own. And watch miracles become apart of your every day experience.

Mind Over Matter. You can do anything you set your mind to do! Let's do this thing!

Love and Light

P.S. I will blog daily for the Miracles Month so we can keep up with each other on this journey. Let's go!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alpha Brain Waves and Healing

With our many technological advances, scientists and psychologists have made many discoveries about the human brain over the last several decades.  The activity in the brain can be measured and classified into different wave patterns.  During sleep, our brain cycles through the various wave patterns and stages. In the first two stages of sleep are brain wave activity is characterized by theta waves. If someone wakes you in this stage you will not even remember being asleep.  As you fall into a deeper sleep, Delta waves are measured.  Delta waves are the slowest and have the highest amplitude of all of the measured brain waves.  During the night your brain cycles from the theta waves and delta waves until entering into REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep. REM sleep brain activity looks very similar to a person that is awake with a combination of alpha and beta waves and this is the stage were dreams take place.

So, let us take a closer look at the alpha and beta waves.  Beta waves are the highest in frequency and lowest in amplitude and are asynchronous in nature.  Literally, our brain is all over the place.  Spiking as of a result of all of the processes going on at the same time.  All of our senses are at work, and our brain works hard to process this input and organize and store the information we are receiving.  As human we have some of the highest brain function and we need beta wave activity to complete the higher cognitive functions that we carryout day to day.  Tasks like driving, cooking, surfing the Internet, playing sports are just a few examples of the brain integrating many different areas simultaneously at rapid speed to complete these tasks. We are amazing creatures if you really think about how much thought goes into driving a car--pressing the accelerator and brakes,  holding the steering wheel, putting on turn signals,  reading traffic signs, all while looking out for other cars or emergency vehicles that pose a dangerous threat.  It doesn't take long after learning to drive for us to add music, passengers, temperature control, and thanks to the large number of fast food establishments we are even able to eat and drink while operating this heavy machinery. 

Aside: Be safe while driving.  Do not text and drive. Put down your smart phones, you should not be reading this blog while driving.

Now that you understand the other wave patterns, let us talk about the alpha wave. When we finally reach our destination safely and we sit still and take a minute to relax our brain waves become slower, increase in amplitude and become more synchronous.  Even though we are awake, we are at a state of peace. Synchronous waves are those that are occurring at the same rate and frequency similar to the action of a bird flapping its wings in flight. It is in this alpha wave pattern that the body begins to slow down and recover from the stressors that are present in our environment as well as the ones that naturally occur inside the body. We are in a constant struggling for reaching a balance state in our bodies and this is defined as homeostasis. So without alpha waves, we cannot achieve this balance state of well being.

Many people use drugs and alcohol to induce alpha waves brain patterns but these substances have damaging effects on your body and are counter intuitive to achieving proper health. Television also sends your brain into a low alpha brain wave pattern, which is probably why so many people spend their evening winding down in front of the TV or even fall asleep watching TV.  But too much of this low alpha wave state is not good and can out you in a fog that makes it difficult to focus  Everything needs to be in perfect balance. Some healthier alternatives to induce alpha wave brain states are meditation, prayer,getting massages, yoga, breathing techniques, sitting in a sauna or hot tub, hypnosis (self or by a professional), laying on the beach or in a hammock, or even walking if done in a relaxed environment.  Scientists have also found more alpha brain wave activity in creative people - Musicians, Artists, Writers, and Poets often report going into an altered state to produce their work.

As a massage therapist and reflexologist I have experienced this altered state.  When I first begin a massage or reflexology session I am processing a lot of information.  In a massage session, I first notice the texture, warmth, quality of the muscles making notations of anything out of the ordinary. Then using different techniques I am able to manipulate that muscle or tissue to try to bring it back to a normal state.
I am awake and I am moving, using my hands, and my brain is definitely in a beta wave state.  But then there is a shift.  Once I relax,  I am to complete the massage session without "thinking" about the process. This allows my client to reach an alpha wave state as well which promotes healing and bringing the body back to balance.  This is why I consider myself a healing artist versus a massage therapist.  Reaching this alpha wave state is very similar to a painter standing in front of a blank canvas with a palette of colors and a brush. I hope that you found this post helping in understanding the importance of slowing down and allowing our brain to recover from its daily demands.

When is the last time you spent 20 minutes in a relaxed (alpha wave) state?  Set aside 20 minutes a day for one week and see if you notice any changes in your body? Always feel free to post your comments and share what you notice after completing this exercise.  Also, if you have any questions about this article or what to find out more about natural ways of healing, inbox me:

Light & Love

Poetic Expressions

As I mentioned in Rewriting your Life Part 1&2, writing is very important to planning, building, and achieving your goals.   But the process of writing can also be very therapeutic.  Poetry is my favorite writing form and I have been writing poems for as long as I can remember.   Good poetry expresses a message or an emotion.  When you write poetry you create a voice/tone for your reader/listener.  After experiencing your work they should have a clear image of the message or emotion you decided convey when you first picked up a pencil and paper.  The beauty of poetry is that it can evoke a myriad of emotions and responses. The best creative expression is limitless and not binded to rules and the more freedom you allow when writing the better the finished product. Below is a poem that I have written.  Can you guess which emotion I am trying to express? Is there an additional message embedded? 

After reading my poem, I encourage you to pick up a pencil and paper and spend 15 minutes writing a poem of your own.  Remember, this is not 11th grade English class, you will not be graded or judged on this work. So relax.  Just allow the spirit to come through and take over, giving you the words to say.  We all have something to say. Keep in mind that negative emotions can be expressed in the arts, but that does not make the artist a negative person.  In fact, this is one of the best ways to release those negative emotions, feelings, or thoughts from your spirit. So write whatever comes to your mind and after reviewing your work, notice the difference in how you feel - before and after writing the piece. Have fun and feel free to post comments or poems to this blog!

Light & Love,

Here's my piece:

If I look outside

If I look outside me,
Focus clearly
My eyes ache from the pains
That I feel surrounding me
Closing in on my skin

If I look outside me
Take in all that I see
-The Happenings-
My heart hurts, breaking,
Ripping at the seams
In Disbelief
At the things that people do
The words that they speak

If I look outside me,
I get so angry
Which cause a conflict in my being
For my soul is woven of
Peaceful Patterns
And stitched with Serenity
Joy lies deep inside
Sweet Purity-
This I know for sure

If I look outside me
Confusion takes over my mind space
Too many angles
Too many sides to take
Too many plans to make
A, B, C, and Ds
Striving for
Surviving for
It doesn't have to be this way
This is a mistake

If I look outside me
I fear the known and present dangers
I need to face the certain facts
That Greed, Hatred, Evil, Jealousy, and Lies
Are alive
And they thrive on me
An innocent prey
They are Here as we speak

If I look outside me
I wish that there was a way to go inside me
And lock the door and throw away the key

If I look outside me.

~TJ The Healer

Rewrite Your Life -- PART 2

Hello Friends,

If you are reading this post, then you understand the importance of writing down your vision (Part 1) and you are ready to take your evolution to the next level. I commend you for moving forward and I know that these powerful words will not be wasted.

What did you notice when you began writing things down?  Is there a general theme to your life? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?  First, give yourself credit for the things that you have created thus far. You are a wonderful and powerful being even if you have a ways to go, like I do. Smile.  We will get there. And the rest of the way will be down hill because we have already reached the summit.  The hardest part is done.  Let's go...

Negative energy or negative thinking can slow you down to the point where you feel like you are trapped and immovable.  Negative thoughts operate at a lower vibration/ frequency period.  When you are sad and depressed you barely want to get out of bed, and every step feels like you weight a ton.  You are literally "dragging" yourself around and most people get so tired they just give up moving altogether.  When you are excited and full of positive energy you feel like you are moving at lightning speed or floating on cloud nine.  You notice that your thoughts can be racing and you can barely get the words out of your mouth before the next great thought enters your brain. Your ideas and creativity flows and "light bulbs" pop up over your head, one after the next.  If you are smart you grab a pencil and paper, and your hands can barely keep up with that flow.  You are "in the spirit" or inspired to do many things at his moment. 

Just so that you have a visual image, the negative person is like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. He talks slow, walks slow, and is always losing his tail. Poor thing, he just can't catch a break. Now on the flip side, the fast moving person is like a road runner. This Looney Tunes character moves at fast pace and always avoids the traps are set for him by set for him by Wyle E Coyote.  Who knew that children's cartoon could be so philosophical and metaphysically educational?  Smile.

Of course, these are two extremes  and there is a spectrum of many characters in between.  Which of these characters do you relate? And most importantly, which one do you see accomplishing the goals that you set in Part1?

Give it a min....
Now, that you can see the power of positive thought over negative thought, you know that in order to change your life. you have to change your words. As you edit your words, you will change your emotions. And that will be the next step to transforming your life.  I will list some common low energy phrases that people use and then some higher vibrational alternatives.

Common Phrase #1:

"I'm broke."

Just because your bank account is low or even in the negative, does not mean that YOU are broken and that there is something to be fixed.

Instead, think of yourself as:

"I am creating cash flow right now.  I am planting seeds of wealth that will soon bear great fruits."

This statement already invokes power and implies action.  You are doing something positive and converting a situation of lacking into one of abundance.  You have made the choice to have more and you are taking the proper steps to make that happen.

Common Phrase #2:

"We are in an economic recession/depression/crisis right now.  I would be doing better if we were not suffering from a down economy."

This is a popular phrase and the news, media, and society perpetuates this belief. There are many negative situations going on in the world even more devastating than a down economy --- I won't get on a rant about  war, education systems, health care, housing or politics.   That would be sure to slow us down, and we are on to something great.

The situations in the outside world should not determine what you have or do not have:

"I live in a universe of abundance and unlimited resources are available to me. I have the ability to create my own reality."

This statement is where a lot of people get lost.  They look at the world around them through there physical eyes, not a spiritual eye.  There are possibilities there that you cannot even see because you are operating on a different level. And like a radio transmits a signal once you are tuned into the right channel, you will see  more positive things happening in your life. Miracles will become more common in your world.  And you will find yourself dodging the drama and traps that have been set all around you.

Move out of the way and like The Roadrunner would say, "Beep Beep." 

Common Phrase #3

"I'm too tired. I don't feel like doing this/that."

If you catch yourself saying this a lot, or you feel fatigued it is probably because you are out of balance or out of position with your true self. All work and no play, does not inspire you to rise early for work,  jump in your car and fight traffic, and stay a few minutes later to finished that project that is due or take that extra appointment.

A new perspective:
"Energy potential is unlimited.  When I am tapped into my source of inspiration, I can direct my energy toward things that motivate me."

If there is a purpose behind my actions and all things are a part of a bigger plan, than you will find the energy to take that extra step and bring yourself closer to reaching your goals.  You will complete these tasks without fear, but you have a blind determination to make the impossible, possible.  You have made  the choice and you are sticking with it, no matter what obstacles arise.

Common Phrase #4

"I don't have time. I am too busy."

There are 24 hours in a day. Some people do not get 30 and others 10. But how we spend our time will determine whether or not you feel like you have time or not.  The average American watches over 4 hours of TV per day. So I ask you how busy are you really?

Reevaluate your schedule.  Make the better choices:
"I will set time aside for things that are important to me.  I determine how I will spend my day."

This is another tough one.  This is difficult because most people have positioned themselves or committed themselves to a schedule that is not working for them but against then. We say that it is okay to work 8-10 hours a day, add 2-4 hours traveling to and from work, 6-8 hours sleeping, which is a total of 16-22 hours spent. These numbers do not add up in my book. You have to set aside time for yourself, your children, your significant other, your pets, your friends, and relatives. Take time for writing, prayer/meditation, painting, cooking, and spending time in nature. These activities put your brain into an alpha wave pattern which is also a state of healing.  (Topic for future Mind over Matters post)

Common Phrase #5

"I am not sure." "I have to wait and see."

Waiting and seeing if not what we need to create health, wealth, loving relationships, profitable businesses, or prosperity in any form.  People confuse patience with inactivity.  Once you have determined your goals, written them down, and activate those plans, sometimes you will reach a point where you have done all that you can and you have to patiently wait for the fruits of your labor to grow and ripen. "Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration." ~Lou Erickson

Take an active role in your life. Do not sit by and watch your life pass you by. Be empowered:

"I am comfortable making decisions that effect my life, my health, my family, my home, my finances, my business/job, and my community."

If you find yourself or the people around you falling into these words traps, be mindful.  Take notes of where you are emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Write it down. Then, rewrite, revise and renew your life.  It is with that positive energy that will allow you to navigate past obstacles with lightning speed and reach your goals in record time. 

Light & Love

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rewrite Your Life --PART 1


The countdown is over and the questions start to fly.

What am I am doing with my life?
How do I make the changes to improve my life experience--
Get in better shape, lose weight, eat right.
Switch to a more fulfilling career, create wealth, get out of debt.
Spend more time with my family, find the love of my life, or reignite the flame of a love that is no longer burning bright.

Whatever your new year's resolutions were for this year, I ask you are these the same things you said last year and the year before that.   If the answer is yes, I encourage you to read the rest of this blog.

See, for many years I found myself battling with the same problems, issues, and conflicts. As I entered new relationships even though the faces would change, the same conflicts would arise over time.  As I embarked on new jobs, or switched to a entirely different career, the same challenges would eventually confront me.
Even though the environment would change, the same issues would remain the same. As I loss and gained friends, physically moved to new places, went back to school to study new topics, changed the foods that I ate, change my clothes, my hair, my car, my church, and the list goes on....I would eventually arrive in the same exact place once again. Time after time.

Is this is a cruel joke that the creator plays on us? Are we sent here to struggle?  Is that what the human experience is all about?  Are some people destined for success and others for failure?   These are some of the questions that I have asked myself over my 33 years on this earth. I have visited many spiritual institutions, read shelves worth of books, and spent many hours alone searching within my soul for the truth.

The truth is this-- Your life is what you make it. We are here to create own destiny.  And most people have more power than they give themselves credit.  We wake up living our days according to what other people decide for us, instead of making our own choices.  The power of choice is a beautiful thing.  We have a million choices in any given day.  And what we choose determines the places we go, the people we meet, and the opportunities that present themselves to us.  It is the map to our future. Like right now, you have the choice to continue reading this blog or moving on to something else.  It is like the "Choose-your-own Adventure" books I loved so much as a child.  Read on....

The true transformation for my life came when I realized that I had the power to write my life,  and even re-write my life. That is the first step to manifesting your goals and dreams.  We do it everyday in a way.  We write grocery lists, Things to Do list, Honey Do lists, and I would like to thank the person that invented post it notes because (S)he understood the power of writing it down.We have all gone to the grocery store without a list and come out with everything but the one thing we needed the most and the original reason that we made the trip in the first place.  So I encourage you to start writing down the things that you wish to have in your life.  This is the first step to creating and attaining your heart's desires.

Marinate on this post...That is all for now.

Love & Light