Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rewrite Your Life --PART 1


The countdown is over and the questions start to fly.

What am I am doing with my life?
How do I make the changes to improve my life experience--
Get in better shape, lose weight, eat right.
Switch to a more fulfilling career, create wealth, get out of debt.
Spend more time with my family, find the love of my life, or reignite the flame of a love that is no longer burning bright.

Whatever your new year's resolutions were for this year, I ask you are these the same things you said last year and the year before that.   If the answer is yes, I encourage you to read the rest of this blog.

See, for many years I found myself battling with the same problems, issues, and conflicts. As I entered new relationships even though the faces would change, the same conflicts would arise over time.  As I embarked on new jobs, or switched to a entirely different career, the same challenges would eventually confront me.
Even though the environment would change, the same issues would remain the same. As I loss and gained friends, physically moved to new places, went back to school to study new topics, changed the foods that I ate, change my clothes, my hair, my car, my church, and the list goes on....I would eventually arrive in the same exact place once again. Time after time.

Is this is a cruel joke that the creator plays on us? Are we sent here to struggle?  Is that what the human experience is all about?  Are some people destined for success and others for failure?   These are some of the questions that I have asked myself over my 33 years on this earth. I have visited many spiritual institutions, read shelves worth of books, and spent many hours alone searching within my soul for the truth.

The truth is this-- Your life is what you make it. We are here to create own destiny.  And most people have more power than they give themselves credit.  We wake up living our days according to what other people decide for us, instead of making our own choices.  The power of choice is a beautiful thing.  We have a million choices in any given day.  And what we choose determines the places we go, the people we meet, and the opportunities that present themselves to us.  It is the map to our future. Like right now, you have the choice to continue reading this blog or moving on to something else.  It is like the "Choose-your-own Adventure" books I loved so much as a child.  Read on....

The true transformation for my life came when I realized that I had the power to write my life,  and even re-write my life. That is the first step to manifesting your goals and dreams.  We do it everyday in a way.  We write grocery lists, Things to Do list, Honey Do lists, and I would like to thank the person that invented post it notes because (S)he understood the power of writing it down.We have all gone to the grocery store without a list and come out with everything but the one thing we needed the most and the original reason that we made the trip in the first place.  So I encourage you to start writing down the things that you wish to have in your life.  This is the first step to creating and attaining your heart's desires.

Marinate on this post...That is all for now.

Love & Light


1 comment:

  1. WOW so powerful.. This is right on track with my goal for the new year " write it down and make it plain..".
