Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rewrite Your Life -- PART 2

Hello Friends,

If you are reading this post, then you understand the importance of writing down your vision (Part 1) and you are ready to take your evolution to the next level. I commend you for moving forward and I know that these powerful words will not be wasted.

What did you notice when you began writing things down?  Is there a general theme to your life? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?  First, give yourself credit for the things that you have created thus far. You are a wonderful and powerful being even if you have a ways to go, like I do. Smile.  We will get there. And the rest of the way will be down hill because we have already reached the summit.  The hardest part is done.  Let's go...

Negative energy or negative thinking can slow you down to the point where you feel like you are trapped and immovable.  Negative thoughts operate at a lower vibration/ frequency period.  When you are sad and depressed you barely want to get out of bed, and every step feels like you weight a ton.  You are literally "dragging" yourself around and most people get so tired they just give up moving altogether.  When you are excited and full of positive energy you feel like you are moving at lightning speed or floating on cloud nine.  You notice that your thoughts can be racing and you can barely get the words out of your mouth before the next great thought enters your brain. Your ideas and creativity flows and "light bulbs" pop up over your head, one after the next.  If you are smart you grab a pencil and paper, and your hands can barely keep up with that flow.  You are "in the spirit" or inspired to do many things at his moment. 

Just so that you have a visual image, the negative person is like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. He talks slow, walks slow, and is always losing his tail. Poor thing, he just can't catch a break. Now on the flip side, the fast moving person is like a road runner. This Looney Tunes character moves at fast pace and always avoids the traps are set for him by set for him by Wyle E Coyote.  Who knew that children's cartoon could be so philosophical and metaphysically educational?  Smile.

Of course, these are two extremes  and there is a spectrum of many characters in between.  Which of these characters do you relate? And most importantly, which one do you see accomplishing the goals that you set in Part1?

Give it a min....
Now, that you can see the power of positive thought over negative thought, you know that in order to change your life. you have to change your words. As you edit your words, you will change your emotions. And that will be the next step to transforming your life.  I will list some common low energy phrases that people use and then some higher vibrational alternatives.

Common Phrase #1:

"I'm broke."

Just because your bank account is low or even in the negative, does not mean that YOU are broken and that there is something to be fixed.

Instead, think of yourself as:

"I am creating cash flow right now.  I am planting seeds of wealth that will soon bear great fruits."

This statement already invokes power and implies action.  You are doing something positive and converting a situation of lacking into one of abundance.  You have made the choice to have more and you are taking the proper steps to make that happen.

Common Phrase #2:

"We are in an economic recession/depression/crisis right now.  I would be doing better if we were not suffering from a down economy."

This is a popular phrase and the news, media, and society perpetuates this belief. There are many negative situations going on in the world even more devastating than a down economy --- I won't get on a rant about  war, education systems, health care, housing or politics.   That would be sure to slow us down, and we are on to something great.

The situations in the outside world should not determine what you have or do not have:

"I live in a universe of abundance and unlimited resources are available to me. I have the ability to create my own reality."

This statement is where a lot of people get lost.  They look at the world around them through there physical eyes, not a spiritual eye.  There are possibilities there that you cannot even see because you are operating on a different level. And like a radio transmits a signal once you are tuned into the right channel, you will see  more positive things happening in your life. Miracles will become more common in your world.  And you will find yourself dodging the drama and traps that have been set all around you.

Move out of the way and like The Roadrunner would say, "Beep Beep." 

Common Phrase #3

"I'm too tired. I don't feel like doing this/that."

If you catch yourself saying this a lot, or you feel fatigued it is probably because you are out of balance or out of position with your true self. All work and no play, does not inspire you to rise early for work,  jump in your car and fight traffic, and stay a few minutes later to finished that project that is due or take that extra appointment.

A new perspective:
"Energy potential is unlimited.  When I am tapped into my source of inspiration, I can direct my energy toward things that motivate me."

If there is a purpose behind my actions and all things are a part of a bigger plan, than you will find the energy to take that extra step and bring yourself closer to reaching your goals.  You will complete these tasks without fear, but you have a blind determination to make the impossible, possible.  You have made  the choice and you are sticking with it, no matter what obstacles arise.

Common Phrase #4

"I don't have time. I am too busy."

There are 24 hours in a day. Some people do not get 30 and others 10. But how we spend our time will determine whether or not you feel like you have time or not.  The average American watches over 4 hours of TV per day. So I ask you how busy are you really?

Reevaluate your schedule.  Make the better choices:
"I will set time aside for things that are important to me.  I determine how I will spend my day."

This is another tough one.  This is difficult because most people have positioned themselves or committed themselves to a schedule that is not working for them but against then. We say that it is okay to work 8-10 hours a day, add 2-4 hours traveling to and from work, 6-8 hours sleeping, which is a total of 16-22 hours spent. These numbers do not add up in my book. You have to set aside time for yourself, your children, your significant other, your pets, your friends, and relatives. Take time for writing, prayer/meditation, painting, cooking, and spending time in nature. These activities put your brain into an alpha wave pattern which is also a state of healing.  (Topic for future Mind over Matters post)

Common Phrase #5

"I am not sure." "I have to wait and see."

Waiting and seeing if not what we need to create health, wealth, loving relationships, profitable businesses, or prosperity in any form.  People confuse patience with inactivity.  Once you have determined your goals, written them down, and activate those plans, sometimes you will reach a point where you have done all that you can and you have to patiently wait for the fruits of your labor to grow and ripen. "Gardening requires lots of water - most of it in the form of perspiration." ~Lou Erickson

Take an active role in your life. Do not sit by and watch your life pass you by. Be empowered:

"I am comfortable making decisions that effect my life, my health, my family, my home, my finances, my business/job, and my community."

If you find yourself or the people around you falling into these words traps, be mindful.  Take notes of where you are emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Write it down. Then, rewrite, revise and renew your life.  It is with that positive energy that will allow you to navigate past obstacles with lightning speed and reach your goals in record time. 

Light & Love

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