Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3: Making Miracles Month

So....Day 3 is well under way.

I have had an interesting day that started with some difficult tasks. But, I handled the hardest thing first and that really freed up my day to get many things accomplished.  I just left the Farmer's Market and I was able to restock my pantry and fridge with the necessary foods to stay on my meal plan.  On a budget I was able to buy lots of fresh fruits and veggies, and some healthy snack options.  I bought some unsalted cashews, some dried cherries, and popcorn kernels to eat as snacks.  Setting up your environment for success is the first step to accomplishing any goal.  I have planned out meals and snacks for the rest of the week. But with eating mostly fresh fruits and veggies, I will have to shop again next week. I was also able to drop off my recyclables.  Even though my day started with a difficult task, it will finish on a strong and positive note. 

So with this month, understand you will have difficulties and non-positive moments. But the length of time that you spend in that negative space is up to you.  If people around you are not operating at the highest vibration, you may have to take a break from them for a little while.  Let them know that you have ALOT of positive things going on for you this month and you cannot afford to get bogged down with any negativity --gossiping, complaining, whining, moping,  doubtful or fearful thinking, angry or hostile speaking.

I have already felt a major shift and a lot of things that have been weighing heavy on my soul, have been lifted already. It is only Day 3.  Imagine where we will be at the 31 Day mark.

Light and Love,


1 comment:

  1. Funny you should write this today. I am thinking along these same lines. working on keeping my vibes positive although challenging at times. Thank you!
