According to the Chinese Horoscope:
We are now in The Year of the Rabbit (Feb 3, 2011 - January 22, 2012)
So what does that mean?
The Rabbit year is marked by diplomacy and negotiation. Also, many people will notice attention shifted back into both families as well as personal developments.This can lead to many cultural gains and some artists will exceed any limits and create remarkable works. This year will be more calm, than other recent years and this calm will lend time to self, family, and artistic pursuits.
So what does this mean to me?
Well, I have already experienced the shift of my attention from work-related interests to more creative avenues. In previous years I was known as the workaholic, working a steady 40 + hours a week and always willing to pick up extra hours. I had a lady call me last week to pick up her trip and I have not been a flight attendant for over 6 months now. But, she has my number down in her phone as someone that will always work. With all this newly created time, I have been writing. My writing pursuits include this blog, books of poetry, some spoken word pieces, and even some meditations. I probably devote 40 + hours a week to my writing, editing, memorizing, and attending/performing at open mic nights all over the city.
Now, I wish the year of the Rabbit would also mean that I will be reward financially for my artistic efforts. But in order for that to happen, the rest of the world will have to value these pursuits as much as I do and support my work and the works of other artists. I think that I am ahead of the curve, but hopefully the rest of the world will experience this shift in attention and start patronizing the arts and the people bound to this existence. Perhaps I need to create a Foundation for the Arts and get government grants to support this cause. We all know that they have removed many arts and music programs from our schools. And then they wonder why our children are failing math and science courses, do they not recognize the connection between the two.
So I propose that we make this year - The Year of the Rabbit - a productive year noted by tremendous gains in the areas of Arts, Music, and Education.
Light & Love,
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